Dog Health and Nutrition
Surviving a Natural Disaster with Your DogThe most important key to surviving any sort of natural disaster is to be prepared for what might happen. No, it’s not pleasant to think about your house burning down in a wildfire or being flooded,...
Purebred Rescue Organizations
One of the biggest reasons people give when asked why they purchased a dog from a breeder rather than adopting a dog from a shelter is that they wanted a purebred. What many don’t realize is that...
Keeping Your Dog’s Knee Joints Safe
We all know that as dogs get older they can begin to get sore joints. But did you know you can actually do things to help postpone the time when your dog will have to live with painful knees? Small breeds...
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The Puppy Corner

There are two important components to dog-walking equipment: a sturdy collar or harness, and a good leash or lead. Your choices will be informed by your dog’s size, energy level, and obedience aptitude,...

It’s so tempting to put a small puppy in a nice box under the tree with a ribbon around his or her neck to surprise your kids or other loved ones on Christmas morning. We’ve all seen the...

In case you haven’t heard, pet overpopulation is a huge problem, and as the economy continues to stagnate, the problem is getting worse. People are often forced to leave their pets behind when they...
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Dog Activities and Training
Take Your Dog To Work Day 2013It’s that time of year again! For those of us who aren’t lucky enough to bring our dogs to work every day, June 21st is the official Take Your Dog to Work day. According to, the tradition was first started by Pet Sitters International in 1999 as a way to encourage dog adoptions. Take Your Dog To Work Day was created to celebrate... [Read more of this review]
Recovering a Lost Dog
You’ve taken all the necessary steps to keep your dog safe – you always use a leash when you take the dog off of your property, you have a secure fence, and you’ve trained your dog to come when you call. But what happens when the neighbor kid leaves the fence gate open or when the mailman leaves a package in your screen door so it... [Read more of this review]
Outdoor Sports for the Un-Pedigreed Dog
In our last regular issue, we talked about all of the options you have for sporting events sponsored and sanctioned by the American Kennel Club. Most of these events are open only to dogs who are members of the AKC, meaning that they are purebreds. Now, we present the sports in which you and your dog can participate outside the AKC. In some cases,... [Read more of this review]
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